Papai Velho Mamãe Velha Program
The purpose of the program is to improve the quality of life of the founding veterans of our community, those who participated in the opening of Vila Céu do Mapiá.
Sister Geraldine, Madrinha of the Céu de Santa Maria church, Amsterdam, in her gaze at the forest, suggested this project that met the desire of so many brothers and sisters.
The Program started in 2018, with initial funding coming from Céu de Santa Maria.
The Program has an administrative: Sonia Palhares, Isabel Barse and Clara Iura, a home care team currently: Claudia Arruda and Rosilene Raulino and the Project Secretary with Daniella Villalta.
There are 25 elderly people registered and in these 3 years of operation, many calls have been made. With the help of the national and international brotherhood, it was possible to provide assistance for health treatments and small renovation in the residences.