Collective dream inspired by Padrinho Sebastião and Padrinho Corrente
Inaugurated on the 1st of September 1999, the inspiration for building the Santa Casa came from Padrinho Sebastião. He gave the idea of building a space for the care of the sick that would make it possible to work with other sacred knowledge and healing practices “from around the world” together with Santo Daime. Padrinho Sebastião opened the way, gave this opening, and the lines were coming…
Depois da passagem do Padrinho Sebastião, Padrinho Corrente acompanhou tudo de perto, todos os estudos feitos no Céu do Mapiá: mediunidade, Kardecista, instruções de Emanuel, Umbanda, os Doutores Espirituais, terapias naturais. Padrinho Corrente era um curador ainda antes de conhecer o Daime, sempre envolvido no atendimento aos doentes, assim como sua esposa, filhos e filhas.
The Corrente family always welcomed the sick into their home or went to the sick's home to assist them. So it was also with Dona Maria Brilhante, Clara Iura, Maria Alice Freire, Daniel Lopes Bezerra and many other healers in the community.
In a short time, a house to receive and care for the sick and centralize care became a community dream.
Santa Casa was born out of dreams and miracles!
A sister came from Japan to receive her healing in Céu do Mapiá.
Back in Japan, years later, she had a dream in which Mestre Irineu asked her to help with resources in the construction of a healing house in that community. Padrinho Alfredo's visit to Japan was the opportunity to make this resource reach Mapiá. At the same time, there was an idle house in the village and they got the donation from the owner. Brothers and sisters from the community and the brotherhood were introducing themselves and everything flowed: manpower, more resources and the Santa Casa was built!
“You will never lack anything!” said the voice in Clara Iura's dream.
And so it was: “Miraculously we are walking, miraculously the brothers and sisters are arriving.”
On September 1, 1999, Santa Casa was inaugurated.
Padrinho Corrente had already passed away, but the Santa Casa was named in honor of him and the entire Corrente family.
Keeping alive the flame of material and spiritual charity always practiced by Padrinho Sebastião, welcoming care and assistance to those who seek, and preparing people to continue this work.
We believe in the power of nature as an essential resource for all healing. From this remembrance of what makes us original, we find the starting point for studying ways to promote the reunion of the Self with its Creator. The experience of living in the forest brought us this legitimate expression, “To be and not just to look alike”
1- Respect
2- ethic
3- Responsibility
4- Commitment
5- Integrity
6- Professional Appreciation
7- Justice
Padrinho Manoel Corrente da Silva
He was born on the day dedicated to São Miguel, September 29, 1910, in the municipality of Correntes, in Piauí. A simple and solitary man, since he was a boy he worked hard, he saw many wars against the cangaceiros (groups of social rebels that infested the caatingas of the Brazilian Northeast at the beginning of the century), droughts, famines, etc.
He spent many years working on his donkey carrying things around and later taking herds from the interior of the hinterland to the coastal fairs.
In 1942 he enlists in the Rubber Soldiers, a contingent of northeastern workers mobilized for the production of rubber, the main Brazilian item in the allied war effort. It was in Acre that he came to know Mestre Irineu and soon afterward Sebastião Mota, of whom he was one of the followers. After Padrinho Sebastião passed away in 1990, he became a kind of patriarch and spiritual adviser to the hundreds of godchildren who flocked to his humble home. His words, always loving and sometimes harsh, had the gift of comforting and enlightening all those who sought him out. He made the transition singing his hynm Caboclo Guerreiro at the age of 86.
With the renovation of the building, we are also renewing our work team, bringing together old colleagues with the new ones who are coming.